Last Saturday were we able to have a fun baby shower for Kami Ann and the baby in her tummy, Scarlett Ann. We had a HUGE turn out, especially considering that it was a LAME blizzard all day! I was very impressed with everybody's dedication! Luckily Gentry's family helped out so much with about EVERYTHING and made everything run so smoothly!
I also have to brag a little bit about my husband! He decided the week of the shower he wanted to remodel our bathroom, so on Tuesday he started painting and bought the bead board. Every night he would work on it, even though he was so tired from working all day and going to school all night. Luckily, we finished it all by Friday night, just in time for the shower. It is a really bold color scheme, and I will be honest, I hated it at first! But now I really love it and I will post some pictures of it soon.
After the baby shower we went to the annual South Towne Christmas Expo. SO MUCH FUN! I love that place. Unfortunately, I came out with a little more than I had hoped for. One thing I bought that I certainly did not need was an expensive straightner. I think the sales woman saw me coming a mile away. She basically told me my hair sucked and that it was damaged, and begged me to let her fix my bangs "because they were bugging her so badly". Talk about a self esteem booster! That girl was cute but I wanted to bring her down to a human level for a minute and remind her that after all, she was just selling straightners, not saving lives. After she severely insulted me, what did I do.... I bought the straightner. I really must be stupid :) But all in all, it was really fun and I think I will enjoy the straightner for many more years to come... or else!
P.S. Thanks Mckenna for the pictures... I stole them from you!
P.S.S. I have learned in preparing for this baby shower how much I do not know about having children. I used to think that I knew quite a bit, but I do not. I went to Walmart to pick up some diapers for the diaper cake I was attempting to make. For some reason I had it in my head that there were separate diapers for boys and girls. I spent about 20 minutes on the isle looking at every package, analyzing them, and getting SO frustrated. Some of the packages had pictures of boys, some had pictures of girls, some colors were neutral for both boys and girls! I was going insane. Finally, a nice young mother walked by and I told her not to make fun of me but if she could please help. Luckily she gave me a few pointers (told me they were gender neutral) and I was on my way. I am sure she had a good laugh with her husband when she got home. Please tell me the least of my worries of having children is worrying about whether I put a "girl" or "boy" diaper on them, or I am in trouble!